The spinal cord plays a very important role in the day to day activities of the human body. This is where the central nervous system is located and the way our bodies function is determined by it. It runs from the brain stem down to the lower back or lumbar region. Despite it being very important, it is very sensitive and can be easily damaged. The back bone protects the spinal cord, but injuries can sometimes cause damage to the bone and even the spinal cord itself.
The spine bones are called vertebrae and in between them are cartilage discs. This is what makes the spine flexible and also acts as a protective buffer between the vertebrae. When a disc slips, it does not slip out of place as the term implies. Instead, what happens is that the soft part of it bulges through the circle of connective tissue and this may push the on the nerve roots or the spinal cord causing discomfort.
Most slipped discs are caused by wear and tear. As you get older, the circle of connective tissue breaks down and this causes weakness which in turn allows the soft part to swell. The lower back is usually the most likely place for a slipped disc. Aging is usually the cause, but sometimes a back injury may cause a slipped disc.
It is possible to have a slipped disc without any symptoms and there are many people with slipped discs and they do not even know it. However, when you do experience pain, it is because the slipped disc is causing pressure on the nerve roots or the spinal cord.
In order to treat a slipped disc, the doctor has to look for the least invasive way of treatment. Surgery is usually the very last option after all other procedures have failed. Chiropractic treatment is one of the most effect but least evasive forms of treatment. Through chiropractic treatment, your spinal bones will be realigned correctly and pain will be relieved. Many people will confess to not only having the pain relieved, but to feeling much healthier after chiropractic treatment.
Contact us today for all your necessary treatment for all you back needs