Welcome to: Dr Vicki Ferreira Chiropractor in Centurion

FAQ – Chiropractic Centre Centurion

    FAQ-Dr. Chiro

    Q: How much is the consultation?
    A: First visit is R900 and follow-up consultation is R800, regardless of age.

    Q: How long is the consultation?
    A: The first visit is approximately 45 minutes to an hour and a follow-up consultation is 30 minutes.

    Q: How does the payment work?
    A: Cash or card payments are accepted. We can claim directly from the reputable medical aid for follow up consultations, if they have savings in their day-to-day benefits.

    Q: Do we accept Discovery Keycare?
    A: No.

    Q: Will my medical aid pay for treatment?
    A: Yes. Most medical aids pay for chiropractic treatment out of the savings account or day-to-day benefits.

    Q: Can I book online?
    A: Yes, we have an online booking form on our website, https://www.chiropractorpta.co.za/online-booking/

    Q: Why choose chiropractic?
    A: Chiropractic takes on a natural approach to “tapping” into the body’s inherent ability to heal itself. By adjusting the spine, it helps the central nervous system to have better communication with the rest of the body. In this way, it can encourage the correct hormone signals for the appropriate times. For example, the body produces dopamine as a natural form of pain reliever.  Chiropractic is also an affordable solution to managing chronic back pain. Since it treats the root cause, it can often be more effective than over the counter or prescription pain medications. Sometimes chiropractic is a better choice compared to surgery if the circumstances allow for it.

    Q: Is chiropractic treatment safe?
    A: Yes, chiropractic treatment is safe and also recommended for pregnant women. Carrying an unborn child for 9 months changes the way the body works and not to mention the pressure and stress exerted on joints, the back and legs. Chiropractic treatment tackles all forms of neuromusculoskeletal concerns and is thus an appropriate option for ailments related. Risks exist with all medical practices, but as far as chiropractic goes, the risks are low.

    Q: Does chiropractic treatment require a referral?
    A: No, it isn’t necessary for a referral to visit your Centurion chiropractor. In some cases, medical aid plans may not always cover the visit costs. You can check the terms and conditions related to the costs they’ll cover and what will be paid out of pocket.

    Q: What conditions are usually treated by chiropractic
    A: Chiropractors treat many medical conditions and at the top of the list includes back pain (lower, upper and mid). Headaches are another problem often treated through chiropractic, which helps to minimise the need for OTC painkillers. Experienced chiropractors also treat scoliosis, spinal disc injuries, rheumatoid pain, sprains and joint pain.

    Q: Is chiropractic treatment appropriate for children?
    A: The technique of spinal manipulation used on adults is different from that used on children. It’s gentler and will help manage pain and posture misalignment. Kids lead an active lifestyle and sometimes falls and bumps can result in injuries. Thus, chiropractic is a better approach than resorting to pain medication.
