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Back Exercises To Strengthen Muscles


    Back Exercises To Strengthen Muscles


    Many people would suffer from back pain or a back condition during their lifetimes. It is so easy to injure a back, bad habits on is own contribute to a large percentage of pain. People do not protect their backs and they bend and twist as if the back is going to last an eternity. Chiros instruct their patients to do exercises to strengthen the back and stomach muscles, both as support for a current injury as well as to prevent further injuries.

    During the early stages of rehabilitation exercises, the patient will do for instance, dorsal raise, side bend, upright row, back extension, and lumbar rotation exercises. When you do the lumbar rotation, you work the muscles at the lower lumbar section and they become more flexible. The leg and/or the hand provide the weight for the stretch.

    As the sportsmen progresses, he moves on to these exercises: a back extension, dead lift, or good morning exercise. The latter is called a good morning exercise because it looks like you are bowing to someone as you greet him in the morning. If you have a bad back, do not do it, as it is a difficult exercise to do. The bar is behind your neck and across your shoulders and gripped a little bit wider than your shoulders, feet in line with your shoulders and the back straight. Bend your knees and hinge forwards while keeping the back arched. You can also do this with straight legs. The good morning exercise works five muscles: the gluteus maximus, erector spinae, semimembranosus, biceps femoris, and semitendinosus.
    Lastly, the sportsmen do stretching exercises. These include a slump, side and back stretch, lumbar rotation, and abdominal and cat stretches. The cat stretch is very much like one of the yoga exercises and the erector spinae and multifidus muscles are the ones stretched. Get down on the floor on all fours with your back arched, hold for about 20 seconds, and then relax. This exercise is beneficial for lower back pain and strains of the back muscles.


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