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How Chiropractors in Centurion Can Help You!!


    How Chiropractors in Centurion Can Help You!!

    As it is a new year, I decided to do a series about how chiropractors in Centurion can help you and help to prevent pain and injury and improve your flexibility by starting right at the beginning.

    Over the next few weeks, we will be looking at the biomechanics of the human body as well as different components associated with it and how they all interact. We will be talking about joint movements, bones and articular cartilage, collagen and its importance, muscles and training as well as looking at ways to ensure you have optimally functioning and pain-free joints for a healthier life.

    Biomechanics is concerned with the study of the mechanics (movement) of the human body in relation to physics. In other words it is what we as chiropractors focus on to determine which joints are not moving as they should and could be causing your pain.

    When we talk about movement, where does it occur? Movement occurs at all body joints, from head to toe, and therefore we need to look at the components that make up a joint. This includes two bones, articular cartilage, a joint capsule and surrounding soft tissue components such as muscles, ligament, tendons and nerves. These structures interact with each other to allow optimal movement of a joint. Depending on the shape and congruency of the articular cartilage, different movements are allowed and why certain movements are “bigger” than others, i.e. hip flexion vs. hip extension.

    When several joints work together to create a larger range of motion in a specific segment, we refer to it as a kinematic chain. This explains why if there is some sort of pathology in any of the components of the kinematic chain, the entire kinematic chain is affected, i.e. adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder) affects the movement of the whole arm. If there is a lack of movement in a specific segment, the segments above and below the affected area now have to compensate for this by becoming hypermobile, unstable and painful.

    Chiropractors in Centurion use motion palpation to determine which segments are affected and needs to be corrected through chiropractic manipulation. If you feel like your range of motion is limited or a joint simply feels stuck, contact your chiropractor today on 083 288 0679

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