Rotator cuff strain often happens in patients who do repetitive movements. It happens as the rotator region becomes inflamed with the continuous movements that begin to cause strain. Some of the symptoms include limited motion range of the shoulder, shoulder pain, and a feeling of weakness in the shoulder. It isn’t an uncommon injury and your trusted chiropractor has treated many patients with rotator cuff strain.
In this post, we want you to learn 5 ways in which to exercise with a rotator cuff strain injury.
Your chiropractor Centurion advises 5 ways to exercise to treat rotator cuff strain:
Side-lying External Rotation
You will need a dumbbell for this one. On the opposite side of your injured arm, lay down on that side. Next, in a 90-degree angle lift your arm from the ground up to the side then down to the ground again. You can repeat these steps for 3 sets counting to 10.
Side-lying external rotation
High-low Rows
You’ll need a resistance band for this one. Attach the resistance band to a steady fixture above your shoulder. You should be positioned on one knee (as in a classic wedding proposal), however, the knee opposite your injured arm must be raised. You’ll need to pull down the resistance band towards your body as if you were rowing (without the circular-like motion). Do this for 3 sets counting to 10.
High-to-low rows
Doorway Stretch
This is easy and needs no equipment except for a doorframe. In the doorframe lower your hands and hold on to the frame. Your hands should be just below your shoulder You should do a step forward while still holding onto the frame.
Doorway stretch
Reveres Fly
This requires 2 dumbbells. Your knees should be bent slightly and with your back straight, slightly bend forward. In this position, using light dumbbells raise both your arms simultaneously away from your body. Don’t lock your elbows as you do this exercise. This can be done for 3 sets, counting to 10.
Reverse fly
Lawnmower Pull
For this, you’ll need a resistance band. Just as its name suggests, you’re going to mimic starting up a lawnmower. With one foot (opposite your injured arm) on the resistance band, pull the band with your arm forming a diagonal motion across the body. Don’t lock your knees, instead bend your waist slightly. Repeat for 3 sets counting to 10.
Lawn mower pull
For further information regarding Rotator Cuff Strain, please contact Dr. Vicki Ferreira or you can alternatively book your next session online here
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