If you are living in Melrose and you are looking for a chiropractor in the area, you won’t have to go far. Apart from a number of chiros operating in Johannesburg, there is also one or two in Melrose itself. You can find them by either looking them up on the CASA website or by doing an internet search. A Google map will show you the quickest route to their locations.
Chiros are highly trained health practitioners who attend to people who suffer from back and neck complaints. Back ache, slipped disks, headaches and whiplash are amongst the disorders that can benefit from chiropractic adjustments. To become a chiropractor you have to train and study for six years, if you are successful you will be awarded the Masters Degree in Chiropractic.
When you visit to a chiropractor, or chiro for short, he or she will do three things. Firstly they will diagnose the problem after they have listened to your complaint. Then they will treat the condition – this can be 4 – 6 treatments at regular intervals. And lastly they will advise you on ways to prevent an event from recurring.
The treatment consists of a manual manipulation of the spine. The spine carries the nerves from the brain to the rest of the body and when vertebrae have moved from their intended positions, the flow of the nerves is interrupted. The body cannot function at optimal levels and the patient may experience discomfort and pain. Although chiros cannot prescribe medication they can refer patients to medical practitioners who can.
The prevention measures advised by chiros include the following: losing weight as obesity puts unnecessary strain on the back; exercises to improve general health and to relieve stress; exercises to strengthen the back and stomach muscles to support the back; the correct posture when sitting, walking or driving; sleeping on a firm mattress and the wearing of comfortable shoes.
Chiro treatments are safe and quick, and in many instances covered by your medical aid. The elderly, sports people and babies all benefit from chiro treatments.
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